Tuesday, February 22, 2011

For the first time EVAR!!!

I baked....Cake... Butter cake to be precise......all by myself...in Russia...away from home..


PEOPLE GET THE PRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    lol...

well, it's not like I haven't tried baking before. I had, under the watchful supervision of my mom, at home...with this

TROLL: "It's a freaking butter cake, what is so difficult about baking a butter cake??"

Let me tell you, Baking is a lot of hardwork! too many 'verbs' involves ......I know, I'm being such a drama queen right now, but now that i successfully baked a cake even though it's not perfect, i am proud of myself!! and bet my mom is proud of me too.... ahaks

Pakai resipi my mom, hantar jarak jauh, sms!!! hehehe...but she's a baking expert, kebanyakan text berbunyi "letak sikit" atau "agak-agak"... kite nih lurus bendol, mmg letak sikit.. nasib baik, keluar kek, tak keluar batu.. hehehe... tp memang, my mom nih rajin masak, sampai kitaorg adik-beradik tak pernah kisah pasal makan  dekat luar, except for mamak tp sebab kitaorg gatal nak makan mcm2..... and trust me, memang takde junk food dekat rumah...petang jek mesti ade cekodok, cucur udang, pisang goreng,kuih kasui e.t.c. haiz... i miss you mommy!!!!

now talking about food... i miss my dad's cooking: telur dadar with extra anchovies and cili padi!!! erghhh...tahan... lagi 5 bulan...........!!!

got to go...nak emo jap... T_T... chowz

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