Tuesday, March 1, 2011


maaf, tajuk di atas tidak dituju kepada diri sendiri, tetapi dituju khas untuk~~

sila lihat video klip di bawah..trust me, i won't let you waste your time on some shitty song..

a good laid-back song..;DDD
but one thing, one bloody thing that has been bothering me for days!!!
This dude, in the video clip is JOBLESS, while the girlfriend is working in the office, he goes out looking for light-bulbs.... die ingat lagu raya ape main lampu lampu?? jgn emo2 lagu je kot.bukan betul pon
hahaha, i don't know why i get upset over this tiny thing, not to mention stupid too, when i have microbe test coming this thursday...

OWH NO...this thusrday... REALITY SLAP!

got to go..the books are waiting..chowz

1 comment:

  1. nmpak sgt org tak bace blog nih, eja thursday pon salah..adoi...
