Tuesday, February 22, 2011

For the first time EVAR!!!

I baked....Cake... Butter cake to be precise......all by myself...in Russia...away from home..


PEOPLE GET THE PRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    lol...

well, it's not like I haven't tried baking before. I had, under the watchful supervision of my mom, at home...with this

TROLL: "It's a freaking butter cake, what is so difficult about baking a butter cake??"

Let me tell you, Baking is a lot of hardwork! too many 'verbs' involves ......I know, I'm being such a drama queen right now, but now that i successfully baked a cake even though it's not perfect, i am proud of myself!! and bet my mom is proud of me too.... ahaks

Pakai resipi my mom, hantar jarak jauh, sms!!! hehehe...but she's a baking expert, kebanyakan text berbunyi "letak sikit" atau "agak-agak"... kite nih lurus bendol, mmg letak sikit.. nasib baik, keluar kek, tak keluar batu.. hehehe... tp memang, my mom nih rajin masak, sampai kitaorg adik-beradik tak pernah kisah pasal makan  dekat luar, except for mamak tp sebab kitaorg gatal nak makan mcm2..... and trust me, memang takde junk food dekat rumah...petang jek mesti ade cekodok, cucur udang, pisang goreng,kuih kasui e.t.c. haiz... i miss you mommy!!!!

now talking about food... i miss my dad's cooking: telur dadar with extra anchovies and cili padi!!! erghhh...tahan... lagi 5 bulan...........!!!

got to go...nak emo jap... T_T... chowz

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Not a narcissist...

If i am, would my desktop wallpaper look something like this??

and please don't be alarmed.. the wallpaper doesn't reflect entirely on what's on my mind..
I found it and love it...it's like love at first sight...eceeehhceh
kebahagiaan dalam kedukaan..(curik idea tajuk lagu)...

Back to the narcissist thingy, i believe that there is some inner narcissist @selfishbrat in every human being..but the question is, how are you going to interpret and portray it?? tepok dada tanye selera...

and hey, don't ask me, I just love the of idea of narcissism.. It changed the way i judge and look at other people... saya akhiri post ini dengan pepatah orang jawa

"If you can learn to love yourself and all the flaws, you can love other people so much better"


Thursday, February 10, 2011

the youtubers i love..( see!!i do love other things than myself)

First thing first, what is youtube??? okay, you tube is a U-shaped tube connected to your computer via usb cable, so that you can upload your video and everyone can watch it over and over again.. LOL

Haha..kidding!! I bet every human being that ever lived in the 21st century knows what is youtube..Wait, wait, you don't know what the heck is youtube??
HAHA very funny, don't kid me....
For real? okay okay... it's basically everything i wrote above, minus the tube thing, because you should never have a U-shaped tube at home, regardless how messed up or how hardcore youtuber you are.. NEVER !!

Youtuber is the the person who posts video blogs, videos and such... so now i'm going to share with y'all  my TOP5 youtubers....

#5. BeatboxHitmanTwo

His ability to beatbox amazes me!! I'll never beatbox...Simply because I just can picture my laptop covered with spit all over... GROSS...!

#4. nigahiga

The most suscribed youtuber on youtube with over 3 millions suscribers..He's funny..The End.. lol..i don't know why i subscribed to him.. well, maybe because i don't want to be left behind..how can you not be one in that 3 millions..??I mean 3 million subscribers!!  that is just plain insane!!

3# juliansmith87

HE IS INSANELY HILLARIOUS... famous for his 'hot kool aid'..... I MADE THIS FOR YOU... check out his channel, i strongly recommend it!

2# RayWilliamJohnson

He reviews viral video on youtube..You guys have to wait until the end of the video for my favourite part of his video which  is the comment question of the day...The answers given by the fellow youtubers are hillarious!!

1#  vlogbrothers

My favourite!!! haha..nuff said!!

there you have it.. chowz reader... have a pleasant days ahead.....

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Ignorant is my middle name!!

Haiseh...berkali-kali keluar, pergi perekrestok, lupe pulak nak beli dish washing liquid. bile da semput barulah terkial-kial nak tulis dekat dalam list barang nak beli.. kalau tak list tu penuh dgn bende ngarut seperti 2 tin coke light, 3 packet lays BESAR punye dan lain lain...hehehe..nak tgk betape semputnye sabun basuh pinggan kami, lihatla di bawah...

 Tak ke cari nahas jek..Memang ternyata semput habis..Aik? kenape tulisan italic nih?
Bantai..cun gak tulisan italic..sebenarnye malas nak tukar.

Lepas tu pikir punye pikir dapat jugak solution ...

 Biar pinggan mangkuk ku wangi dan lembut bak kan mutiara... HAHA
Temporary jek tau..Besok kene tulis besar2 dalam list..kalau tak saye bermandikan sabun basuh baju nampaknye....


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I love me!!!

Narcissism pronounced  -nahr-suh-siz-em- is the personality trait of egotism, vanity, conceit, or simple self-fishness...Gosh, what a fancy definition (btw, thank you wikipedia) and it's not some sort of disease people! but it's contagious.. for real!!For those who still didn't get what the heck is Narcissism though the title says it all, let me show you some photos because i know, some people are more to visual learner..Don't worry, i get it because i am too a visual learner. Well, mostly because I'm just too lazy to read and i'm not a good listener as well.

Eh....not this. But wait!! What is Obama doing there?
Btw i got this pic while reading about him on 'american thinker'. about his malignant narcissism.. 
 Owkay, this one, is pure Vain....How can you smile while looking at yourself in the mirror? 
Nahhh, this picture doesn't define the N word
AhhA!!! This is more i like it.. Ermmm should i leave you two alone?
Credited to : videocrab on flickr...

Got to go, those two want some privacy... chow...